You want to be part of the TRR 333 BATenergy Team?

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In the DFG-funded CRC/TRR 333, researchers from Bonn, Hamburg and Munich are working closely together.

They are investigating different types of adipose tissue and their role in metabolism. The focus is on brown adipose tissue (BAT) and beige adipose tissue. In the CRC/TRR 333, a total of 25 project leaders work closely together in 19 scientific subprojects and in the integrated graduate college.

Here you can find an overview of the currently advertised positions in our Team. 

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W1 tenure track W2-Professur (Juniorprofessur) für Energiehomöostase (m/f/d)

Der/Die Stelleninhaber*in soll den Forschungsbereich Energiehomöostase vertreten und die Forschung
zu Metabolismus, Fettgewebe-Regulation und Pharmakologische Intervention bei Stoffwechselerkrankungen an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Bonn verstärken.

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